When a tooth is lost, the surrounding bone collapses, and the bone may need to be enhanced or replaced. Bone grafts use the components of your own tissue or synthetic regenerative material to reverse bone loss by improving bone density and quality. Healing time before the placement of the implants is generally between 4 – 6 months, though it can sometimes take longer.
For bone grafting procedures, Dr. Hoffman may use a grafting material taken from the patient or another source. Synthetic material contains tissue-stimulating proteins that can encourage the body’s natural ability to regenerate bone and tissue.
Sinus Augmentation
A sinus augmentation is performed to increase the amount of bone structure in the jawbone. This surgery is usually performed for the purpose of supporting a dental implant, which can be placed once the bone has healed and has sufficient density and volume to support the implants.
Ridge Preservation
Ridge preservation is a procedure to help reduce bone loss or provide a dependable foundation for restorative treatments such as dental implants, crowns, or bridges. Typically performed on the same day as tooth extraction, Dr. Hoffman may use bone grafting material or bone growth enhancing elements to prevent resorption of the bone.